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'''Iadena''' refers to both a nationality and native ethnic group of the planet [[Iaden]], who serve as minor antagonists in [[Magi Soldat]]. This article is specifically about the ethnic group.
'''Iadena''' refers to both a nationality and native ethnic group of the planet [[Iaden]] in [[Magi Soldat]]. This article is specifically about the ethnic group.
== Physiology ==
== Physiology ==

Revision as of 13:26, 27 July 2019

Iadena refers to both a nationality and native ethnic group of the planet Iaden in Magi Soldat. This article is specifically about the ethnic group.


Iadena are a humanoid race largely similar in appearance to Earth's human beings. Distinguishing features include a slightly sallow skin tone and a "sharper" framing of the eyes. In terms of stature, the average Iadena will reach a height of 4-5 feet tall (approx. 120-150 cm).

Iadena typically live to upwards of 135 Earth years.

Internal Anatomy

Iadena anatomy also shares much in common with human anatomy. Notable deviations include fewer, thicker ribs, a third kidney, and a second liver.

Generally, all bones of the Iadena skeleton are a couple millimeters thicker than their human counterparts. However, the ribs are exceptionally larger, being 3-5 millimeters thicker than human ribs. As a side-effect, Iadena have fewer ribs, though the amount of overall protection for the organs underneath remains the same. Typically, males have 10 pairs of ribs, whereas females have 11 pairs. This extra pair of ribs is situated far lower on the spinal column and is considered to be a vestigial remnant of a structure known as the uterine pseudo-sheath, a secondary rib cage that encased the uterus and developing fetus.

The third kidney is of no special purpose. Ancient Iadena originally had an asymmetric pair of kidneys, the larger of which ultimately split into two smaller kidneys. Similar to humans, Iadena can survive on a single kidney.

The Iadena second liver is a specialized organ for handling toxins found in various tubers. It is significantly smaller than the primary liver.

Blood and Typing

Iadena blood is functionally identical to human blood. It is richly red and iron-based, and makes use of hemoglobin for oxygen transport. Iadena possess their own set of antigens, which differentiate their blood types into 6 common groups.

Reproduction and Sexual Organs

Iadena are sexually dimorphic, and possess sexual organs comparable to those of humans and other Earth mammals. Iadena also reproduce through sexual intercourse.

An Iadena woman experience fertility seasons for the bulk of her young adult life. As she matures, these seasons begin to shorten until reduced to a duration comparable to human menstrual cycles. Fertility ultimately ceases after approximately 47 seasons/cycles, when the woman is about 80 years old.


Iadena are biologically omnivorous, and are capable of consuming most edible matter. However, despite this metabolic versatility, the average Iadena is largely vegetarian, with the bulk of a typical Iadena diet coming from starches and fruits. This diet is supplemented with lesser vegetables to promote variety in flavor profiles and synthesized proteins to achieve nutritional completeness.

This particular dietary strictness is a side-effect of the Iadena being a largely space-faring people. The necessity of rationing and considering storage constraints led to the Iadena people disfavoring foods with larger overhead. This, in turn, led to the Iadena shying away from meat, nuts, legumes, certain grains, and dairy. These types of foods are often relegated to special occasions, such as the Festival of our Heritage, or niche independent restaurants.

Iadena avoid spicy foods entirely, as their digestive tracts are heavily irritated by capsaicinoids. Despite this susceptibility, Iadena taste receptors are apparently unresponsive to their presence.


Historically, Iadena primarily spoke Iadenol and a few other derivative dialects. Iadenol is considered a language isolate and the first known language of the Iadena.

In contemporary times, Iadena primarily speak Iali. Iali is a constructed derivation of Iadenol created by the Iadena government to promote linguistic elegance, and facilitate a higher information bandwidth in documentation and communication. Since its enforcement as a primary language, the Iadena government has put forth immense efforts to convert and translate media from Iadenol to Iali. Some works have been completely replaced with new Iali versions, while others have dual Iadenol and Iali formats. Only certain historic literary works remain untouched.

Though it still remains possible to learn Iadenol as an educational elective, government subsidy of the pursuit has slowly diminished. A number of anthropologists and rural Iadena have criticized this decision vis-a-vis the ongoing conversion efforts as a form of censorship.



There is evidence that prehistoric Iadena worshiped at least three different deities, including a "World God" responsible for the creation and destruction of all things, a "Day God" that gave life to these creations, and a "Night God" that took life away.

Interpretations of relics and glyphs suggest that prehistoric Iadena believed that life force was a shared commodity, and that sleep was necessary in order to allow other living things to take on life force and act out their lives. As the sun set, it was the duty of the Night God to take life force away from the sleeping creatures and pool it beneath a great tree. As the sun rose, it was the duty of the Day God to take that pooled life force and disseminate it to the waking. Certain glyphs suggest that the giving up of life force was voluntary, and so staying awake at night may have been looked down on as selfish or heretical.

Whether or not prehistoric Iadena believed in any form of afterlife or reincarnation is as of yet unknown.

Early History

At some point early in written history, the Iadena discovered the only known cache of knowledge left behind by the the Original Species. The effort to translate and understand this cache deeply influenced Iadena worldview over time. As they became more and more aware of the true nature of the Original Species, more and more Iadena began to abandon their primordial spirituality in favor of the cache's concrete wisdom.

This newfound "Cache-ism" asserted the Original Species as the "Ground Breakers" who were truly responsible for the creation of Iaden and the heavens surrounding it. Nearly all interpretations of this lore painted the Original Species as a new pantheon of gods.

A number of civil wars were fought between those who believed in the lore of the cache, and those who still held to their belief in the primordial three gods.

Modern Times

As the translation of the cache progressed, so too did the ideals of Cache-ism. With each passing revelation, interpretations began to slowly mortalize the Original Species. By the time the cache had reached 85% translation, many Iadena had moved away from the notion of the species as gods and had begun to embrace them as biological ancestors who once lived on Iaden themselves.

Through translations of the cache, the Iadena also became aware of the God Singularity and other life in the universe.

Manifest Destiny

With the canonization of Iaden as the home world of the Original Species, many Iadena believe themselves "chosen" by their ancestors as successors to their ancestors' dynasty. They strongly believed it was their birthright duty to protect the God Singularity at all costs.

This belief and duty has lead to a common element of pride among Iadena, wherein they are compelled to be productive and contributing members of society in the name of their Manifest Destiny.

Dissenters and Exodus

Some Iadena refuted their Manifest Destiny, believing that this particular interpretation of the cache was more self-serving than honest. Many of these dissenters departed from Iaden and the very galaxy itself to establish a distant colony of their own.

Currently, there still remains a minority dissenter population on Iaden. While their dissent is protected from persecution, many choose to alienate themselves anyway, as many forms of employment indirectly empower the current military empire and its actions.

Culture and Society

Naming Conventions

Iadena typically hold two to three names: a given name, a surname (family name), and an optional functional name that provides additional information about what the person does for a living.

Traditionally, surnames are considered less important than given and functional names. It is not uncommon for an Iadena to omit their surname outside of governmental and military settings.

Iadena who are close friends may simply refer to each other by given name alone. Strangers or individuals in business settings refer to each other by given name and functional name.

Coming of Age and Adulthood

Iadena do not consider any specific age to signal entry into adulthood. "Adulthood" is a status earned rather than given. Iadena are encouraged to apply for adulthood status when they feel ready. This process involves a number of physical and mental examinations intended to gauge the maturity of the individual. For most Iadena, this process occurs after all educational endeavors are complete, which tends to occur in their early 20s.

Occasionally, a particularly young Iadena will attain legally recognized adulthood. While adulthood is typically an expectation rather than a celebrated event, Iadena will often celebrate young adults for their faster maturation. Oppositely, Iadena who do not attain adulthood until later in their lives are often treated as social pariahs.


Iadena are very open about sexuality and place no social taboo or stigma on sex or sex work. However, it is still considered socially inappropriate to mention the subject or proposition a person in professional environments.

For Iadena, the age of consent is not quite so straightforward. Only Iadena adults can give consent, but only after reaching full biological maturation --an age of about 24-25 Earth years. Thus, it is possible for an Iadena to be legally an adult yet unable to give consent, or old enough to consent yet not legally an adult. It is considered a moderate felony if any party involved in sexual activity is either not an adult or unable to consent. It is a severe felony to the highest degree if any party involved meets neither requirement.

In cases where all relevant parties are adults but unable to consent, the parties may petition for an affidavit of exception. For individuals not considered adults but are of age, there are old bylaws that allow for seeking an affidavit of sexual health. However, these bylaws have been rendered all but obsolete by most all modern courts.

Gender Identity

Historically, Iadena embraced a rigid sex-aligned gender binary. With advances in medical science over time, Iadena culture as a whole opened up to the notion of transgender identities. Today, there is very little discriminatory behavior towards binary transgender individuals. Nonbinary transgender identities, on the other hand, are often met with small amounts of resistance and annoyance due to being considered less-straightforward in nature.

Fortunately, identity is a protected class without exception.

Family Familial Unions

Iadena families tend to be chosen, rather than assigned through genetic relationship. While paternity and maternity are important recorded details, there is no cultural emphasis to consider one's father or mother to be "family". Rather, Iadena are encouraged to choose their family over time.

Iadena do not have "marriage" in the traditional human sense, instead practicing a tradition known as familial unions. A familial union is a document defining significant relationships between individuals. This includes partnerships, non-partner significant others, and parent-child relationships. Forming a union also enables the relevant parties to gain situational co-authority where applicable. Any number of individuals may union together legally, though it is considered to be in bad taste for a union to be larger than five or six persons.

Dining Etiquette

Iadena typically eat four meals per day. When possible, they prefer to eat together in groups, and whoever is last to finish takes the responsibility to clean up and/or pay any bills. It is not considered rude to leave when finished, even if others are still eating.

Iadena are not above eating with their hands, but will also employ a utensil in the form of a singular, pointed "chopstick". It is a culinary and social faux pas to present to others food that requires cutting or tearing into smaller, more manageable pieces.

Economic System

The Iadena economy is a partial "merit" system that provides only the bare necessities and offers additional material goods and rewards as an incentive for merited behaviors.

Basal Equity

At the core of their economic system, all Iadena are unconditionally guaranteed the right to a roof, a bed, an appropriate amount of meals per day, and access to education and educational information. This is referred to as basal equity --the right to an equivalent start. No matter what an Iadena chooses to do with their life, they will always have these amenities.

The quality of these basal amenities is suitable, but often as minimal as possible. Housing is often considerably small, consisting of just enough room for a bed, a bathroom, a small kitchenette, and a table with a computer terminal. Food is nutritious and portioned, but often limited to only a few recipes.

It is through the "blandness" of these amenities that Iadena are encouraged to work and earn wages. With these wages, one may "upgrade" the quality of their life, whether it is better food, better entertainment, or even larger housing.

Acquisition Privilege

Merely having the necessary money can be insufficient to acquire certain material goods or services. Depending on the "merit" of their employment, some Iadena are restricted from certain transactions. Typically, these restrictions only apply to frivolous goods and never interfere with the acquisition of food or health and socially positive activities.

In essence, the gist of this economic philosophy is: "the more useful you are, the more materialistic you may be".

Excess Audit and Taxation

At the conclusion of each year, a portion of the Iadena population is audited. The purpose of this audit is to minimize unnecessary hoarding of wealth by checking for "excessive excess". As such a concept is largely subjective, any audited individual flagged as excessive is allowed a defensive speech to an appeals panel to explain their intents and attachments. If the defense is unsuccessful, the individual's future wages are garnished for a period of time.

Political System

"It unfortunately appears we will have to sortie on intuition alone."
This section is a stub. Most likely, further information would be spoilers of things yet to be and thus has not been included.

The entire planet of Iaden is overseen by a single republic entity. This entity is composed of two parts: the singular Rada and a select party called the Radesa.


The Rada is a singular person akin to a President, who stands as equal to the Radesa. The Rada has equivalent executive power to the Radesa, and is able to both veto their motions and introduce motions for them to discuss.

The purpose of the Rada is to represent "minority". The Rada's job is to act in the good faith of the minority population who do not agree with majority politics. The Rada aims to keep political action anchored to reality by reminding the Radesa of the diversity of the wills of the people.

The current incumbent Rada is Iliane Niy.


The Radesa are a cabinet of individuals who oversee the legislative workings of Iaden as a whole.